
Understand OT and OT Security betters

OT forms a fundamental backbone that keeps society going

OT environments operate in everything from industry and public transport to hydroelectric plants, electricity production, healthcare and public institutions.

OT security means protecting physical devices and their control systems. It includes ensuring the safety of people, protecting assets and information, monitoring and controlling machines and systems, and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access and malicious manipulation

Learn more about OT security by digging into our fresh OT report conducted in Sweden, see the research survey with all the questions asked to the public and companies in Sweden. And don’t miss out on reading OTopia a book about how the future would look like if we didn’t have OT security. Download your copies now for free!

Get the OT research here:

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swedish urban smaller

OT report

"The area these companies are most concerned about (60 percent) is cybersecurity"

OT report conducted in Sweden in 2023.


OT rapport på svenska

"Området dessa företag är mest oroliga för (60 procent) är cybersäkerhet"

OT rapport utfärdad i Sverige under 2023. 



burning factory smaller

OTopia book

"If this happens it will be really, really bad"

The OTopia book analyzes a future without the important OT security.


Boken OTopia på svenska

"Om detta händer blir det riktigt, riktigt illa"

OTopia boken analyserar en framtid utan den viktiga OT-säkerheten.